The popularity of Sustainability Assurance is growing rapidly, which has been the main reason for the development of a unified information disclosure system — the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). Compliance of the company's activities with the GRI principles demonstrates that it strives for economic stability and tries to demonstrate the real value of the business for which the non-financial report is being prepared as clearly as possible.
When preparing such reports, the quality, accuracy, and completeness of them are very important. That is why Salt BY encourages companies to use the service of confirming non-financial reporting.
In the process of confirmation, the specialists of Salt BY analyze:
- completeness, validity, and capacity of the information provided in the report;
- consistency of the report structure with the GRI Guidelines;
- performance of the previously set tasks;
- opportunities for further growth and development.
The audit is carried out in accordance with the International Standard for Assurance over non-financial information (ISAE) 3000.
As a result of this work, you will receive an effective tool for communication with the parties involved and will be confident in the accuracy and completeness of the information provided and its suitability for further use.